The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, and provides grant funding for up to 10 years.
Since its inception in 1990, the CRC Program has committed to $4.6 billion in funding to support the establishment of over 221 CRC grants 76 CRC-P Grants – a total of 297 collaborations funded over the program’s lifetime.
This program aims to:
Improve competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian industries, especially where Australia has competitive strength, and in-line with government priorities.
Encourage and facilitate small and medium enterprise (SME) participation in collaborative research.
Focus high quality research to solve industry-identified problems through industry-led and outcome-focused collaborative research partnerships between industry entities and research organisations.
CRCs are established as independent entities, and are governed as incorporated companies limited by guarantee.