$300,000 p.a.

and above plus in-kind contributions

Benefits and opportunities

  • Can nominate up to two independent Board members.
  • Can nominate multiple research projects for fast-tracking in the establishment phase, pro-rata to cash contributions. – First rights to access the CRC’s industry embedded PhD Program. – All rights associated with the lower partner tiers below.


$150,000 p.a.

and above plus in-kind contributions

Benefits and opportunities

  • Eligible to be a member of the CRC organisation.
  • Eligible to have a representative on relevant program, project, and partner committees.
  • Foundation partners can help shape the CRC’s business model and bid strategy.
  • Can nominate a key project for fast tracking during establishment phase.
  • Can nominate up to one independent Board member.
  • Can vote for Board members on a pro-rata basis in proportion to their cash contribution.
  • Can access the CRC’s PhD candidate program.
  • Are signatories to the Participants Agreement and individual Project Agreements.
  • All rights associated with the lower partner tiers below.


$75,000 p.a.

and above plus in-kind contributions

Benefits and opportunities

  • IP rights negotiated on a project-by-project basis, allocated pro-rata cash contributions.
  • Eligible to have a representative on relevant project committees.
  • Can nominate research priorities for consideration.
  • Partner contributions may be eligible for R&D tax concessions (subject to professional financial advice).


Less than $75,000 p.a.

Cash and in-kind contributions

Benefits and opportunities

These partners will interact and work with the CRC in a collaborative and strategic way. They may include SMEs and project-focussed contributors that may provide cash or valuable in-kind directly to specific programs, projects or CRC initiatives or commission to the CRC to perform contract research activities.

These partners may also include industry bodies, advocacy groups, or not-for-profit entities whose membership may benefit from the emergence and adoption of new NZE-Ag CRC technologies. The CRC intends to engage with these groups though an annual conference program and draw on their specialist expertise in specific projects.

These partners may, in some cases, be signatories to Project Agreements, and may be eligible for R&D tax concessions (subject to professional financial advice).

For enquiries please contact:

Richard Heath
Interim CEO,
Zero Net Emissions in Agriculture CRC
0427 447 872 